Many Apps and Layouts

Simple Default

The current week!

By default, the calendar displays the current week with all its calendar entries.

You can choose to hide the weekends and you can gray out events that are in the past.

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Increased detail

The next few days!

If you've got a lot of events, you may want to show a rotating view of only today plus maybe two or three upcoming days!

You can even go vertical with this!

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More overview

A long term view!

You can also choose an overview over the next three weeks - albeit at less detail.

If you go vertical, you can even display up to four weeks - though this tends to get crammed unless you hide the weekends.

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Let's get creative!

Any website you choose!

With this app, you can configure the display to show a screenshot of any website you define - for example the front page of your favourite newspaper or tech blog.

This feature requires 3$/month subscription since it's pretty compute-heavy.

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Is this a fad? Or is this real life?

Your agenda - as text or poem!

We're jumping on the LLM hype train to bring you your agenda - as a poem! This pulls from all the same data sources as the other calendar views, but summarises your day as a beautiful poem. (Or as simple text, if you prefer.)

This too requires a 3$/month subscription to cover API costs.

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an escape hatch

Any image URL ...

The screen can be configured to render any image in the right resolution from any publicly accessible (but possibly top-secret!) URL on the internet. This is a nice escape hatch if you want to build your own content. The refresh frequency is higher than for the website screenshot app and this approach does not require a subscription - happy hacking!

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